Embracing Growth: Feeling the Pain Before Hiring

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Hiring the right talent is a pivotal aspect of business growth and success. As someone who has built small teams into thriving organizations multiple times, I've developed a hiring philosophy that emphasizes the importance of timing and necessity.

In my experience, waiting until a business experiences genuine pain before adding to its workforce is a prudent approach. Contrary to popular belief, more employees don't always equate to a better business. Often, excessive headcount can impede progress and productivity, leading to inefficiencies rather than improvements.

The adage "less is more" holds true in many scenarios, particularly in team dynamics. Smaller teams tend to operate with agility and efficiency, outpacing their larger counterparts. This principle is exemplified by Jeff Bezos' famous "2 pizza rule," which advocates for keeping meetings and teams small to enhance productivity.

However, this isn't to say that businesses should refrain from hiring altogether. Instead, the key is to delay hiring until the need becomes evident. Hiring under pressure offers valuable insights into the immediate and long-term requirements of a role, ensuring a more accurate fit between the employee and the position.

One common concern raised by young founders is the risk of making rushed hiring decisions that may not align with long-term goals. While this is a valid concern, hiring for culture and talent first can mitigate potential risks. Additionally, hiring with a full workload allows for rapid evaluation of an employee's performance and suitability for the role.

Moreover, there are exceptions to the "wait until it hurts" rule. Certain critical roles, such as CFOs before fundraising events or HR managers during significant payroll expansions, necessitate proactive hiring. Similarly, roles related to safety, security, or legal compliance should be filled early to mitigate potential risks.

In essence, effective hiring is about striking a balance between strategic foresight and immediate needs. By aligning hiring practices with business objectives and organizational requirements, companies can build resilient and high-performing teams poised for sustainable growth.


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